Picture taken from Qinxian!
I'm not even sure if i have anything positive to take away from OP2, from what i observed of myself during the presentation, it seemed to me like i made a mess of the presentation.
One of the things i felt i did wrong was that i did not practice my script properly, not only did this make me look bad, it also made my teammate Qinxian look bad too. There were times where he did not when to click out my slides and i had to prompt him to progress in my presentation,i felt that this oversight on my part affected the smoothness and connectedness of my presentation. I had recorded my speech into the speech cards which i held in my hands, but i thought that i had enough confidence to deliver my speech, hence i did not refer to the cards at all. This was an extremely regrettable mistake on my part because i had forgotten about teamwork, which was that Qinxian needed me to stick to my arranged speech so as to cue me in as planned.
Moreover, there were times where i was looking around at my audience, without saying anything, I'm not sure what i was trying to do then, but i remember looking at certain members of the audience and then having to stifle the urge to laugh. Well, not only did this create a awkward break in my presentation, it also made me look unprofessional as well.
Even the Q&A session was not very well done in my opinion, maybe because most of the questions asked were directed towards nuclear energy, so i felt i had to answer them, therefore i felt i was 'dominating' the segment. I should not have dived into every question so fast, instead i should have waited and look for visual clues from my teammates to see if they would like to tackle the question as well.
Perhaps the only plus side to the presentation was my body posture, i made an effort to me more conscious about how i stood and how i were holding my hands throughout the presentation. I did not slouch or lean on one foot and i made sure that my hands were not 'loose' so as to project a professional etiquette.
This presentation was really a wake up call for me, learning and translating what is learnt is process that will probably take time and repeated reflections to improve, and from what i feel about my presentation, that is much much more to improve on. :(